Temperature Unit Conversion Table

Choose the unit to convert from and type the value in the box next to it. The conversion results will immediately appear in all unit boxes. Find the unit to convert to and read the value in the box next to it.

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°C x  9/5 + 32 = °F

(°F  -  32) x  5/9 = °C

Temperature Unit Definition:
Temperature - one of the basic physical quantities of thermodynamics, it?s the average of kinetic energy of the random movement of particles such as atoms and molecules. It?s a numerical representation of how cold or hot something is.

Temperature has different definition in different discipline of science, various scales and temperature units have been used to measure it. However, most commonly used units are, Celsius—SI unit, named after Anders Celsius, denoted by °C; Fahrenheit—used mainly in the US, named after German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit and denoted °F; Kelvin—absolute thermometric scale, named after t William Lord Kelvin and denoted K.

The Celsius scale, according to new international agreement, is re-defined by linking it to two different temperatures: absolute zero and the triple point of Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW). The new definition was given so that the Celsius scale can be directly linked to the Kelvin scale.

On Fahrenheit scale, at 32°F water freezes, which is equal to 0 °C and -273 K. Whereas water boils at 212°F, which is equal to 100 °C and 373.15 K.

Since, the use of °F and °Care region specific, temperature unit conversions has become essential to better understand magnitude. Use our conversion tool, and get your results correct up to four decimal values.

Most often used Temperature Unit measurement conversion
Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees (°C to °F) converter
Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees (°F to °C) converter


°C x  9/5 + 32 = °F

(°F  -  32) x  5/9 = °C


1)  Convert 37°C to Fahrenheit.

37°C x  9/5 + 32 = 98.6°F


37°C x 9  + 32 = 98.6°F 

2)  Convert 98.6°F to Celsius.

(98.6°F  -  32)  x  5/9 = 37°C


(98.6°F - 32) x 5  = 37°C